This is my camera, Dorothy. :) She's my adventure buddy.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sydney Caroline Brewer = Awesome.

So, before I got this sa-weet bloggy thingy - I told my bess fran, Sydney Caroline Brewer that because she is so awesome... I would mention her in my blog. So I'm just going to tell you guys about how cool she is.
1. Have you SEEN her hair? It's GORGEOUS. It makes everybody else jealous.
2. She loves music. And I love music. And she likes Jason Reeves. Anybody that likes Jason Reeves is my best friend.
3. She always texts me back :D ...annnd she doesn't take 30 minutes to text back.
4. She's gorgeous.
5. She's awesome.
And I could go on forever listing all of the great things about her but that would take like forever! Soo.... yeah!
Now I have mentioned Sydney Caroline Brewer in my blog! <3

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