This is my camera, Dorothy. :) She's my adventure buddy.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Giant Pile of Red Dirt In My Backyard

So, as you all know - I'm getting a pool soon. They started digging today... so there's a big 10 foot deep hole in the backyard AND a giant tractor. :D But the most fascinating part is the massive piles of dirt all over the place! We've been playing on it all day. :D We even put my trampoline in front of it, and jumped all the way to the top! I'm super glad that we'll have something to do to pass time until we actually get the pool. :) Soo yeah.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sydney Caroline Brewer = Awesome.

So, before I got this sa-weet bloggy thingy - I told my bess fran, Sydney Caroline Brewer that because she is so awesome... I would mention her in my blog. So I'm just going to tell you guys about how cool she is.
1. Have you SEEN her hair? It's GORGEOUS. It makes everybody else jealous.
2. She loves music. And I love music. And she likes Jason Reeves. Anybody that likes Jason Reeves is my best friend.
3. She always texts me back :D ...annnd she doesn't take 30 minutes to text back.
4. She's gorgeous.
5. She's awesome.
And I could go on forever listing all of the great things about her but that would take like forever! Soo.... yeah!
Now I have mentioned Sydney Caroline Brewer in my blog! <3

Friday, May 20, 2011

Summer Songs :D

So obviously, I'm REALLY excited about summer. So today, I decided to search iTunes for some summer playlists. And I decided to share some of my favorites with you! :) So of course, I have to share He Is We, Jack's Mannequin, and most definitely Parachute. <3 
My new favorite song is Forever And Always by Parachute. When I first listened to it, I was like.. seriously? I hate it. But it grew on me - and somehow became my favorite song. So, yeah. Look it up. It's great. And Jack's Mannequin has officially stolen my heart with their new single, Dark Blue. <3 Ahhh!! <3<3<3 Vegas Skies, by The Cab. If I ever learn to play the guitar, this will be the first song I learn to play. <3 And last, a love song. :) Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute. It makes me feel all smiley and dancey. Okay.. so now I command you to look up all these songs, and download them. Put them on your ipod and play them loud. And dance and sing along. :) (And if you can play the guitar, learn to play Vegas Skies.. and then come play/sing it for me.) 


Summer has officially started for me. Two weeks ago, actually... But I haven't really done anything excitingly spectacular yet. But in exactly two weeks, I will have my very own pool with my very own water slide in my very own back yard. :D I. Can't. Wait. My mom let me pick out some chairs... And I'm getting beach-style chairs.. pink, green, blue, yellow, and red. AND I'm gunna hang some lanterns and a TON of lights. So it's going to be GORGEOUS at night! PLUS we have a disco light IN THE POOL!!! :D Can anybody say 'BEST SUMMER EVER!'???